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02. október

Viðhaldsstjórnun (Asset management), áskoranir komandi ára


Nýverið gaf PWC út skýrslu (white paper) sem ber yfirskriftina "Asset management, powering your journey to success". Skýrslan hefur að geyma helstu niðurstöður frá samtali valinna sérfræðinga og stjórnenda í orkugeiranum í Bandaríkjunum og Kanada. Samtalið (roundtable) átti sér stað í maí 2014. 


Í niðurlagi skýrslunnar kemur m.a. fram:


"The release of the ISO 55000 standard has created a common framework, language and set of definitions which support a uniformed approach"
"Risks need to be understood and managed proactively. This includes failure modes, potential consequences and the likelihood of happening all underpinned by the continued sharing of knowledge and information. The discussion around risk also needs to be built into decisions regarding Asset Investment Planning. Decisions, whether short or long-term, need to be informed"
"As we returned to the definition and evolution of Asset Management as a discipline, it was once again clear that we were talking about something much more than simple “asset maintenance”. We were talking about a holistic approach to managing enterprise risk, making more informed investment decisions and building a more efficient and effective organization—something all stakeholders should support."